interstitial lung disease infection
interstitial lung disease infection

由GAMargaritopoulos著作·2017·被引用82次—PatientswithfibroticILDsaresusceptibletochronicpulmonaryinfections,mainlyfromMycobacteriumandAspergillusspecies,whichoftensimulatetraditional ...,,2023年4月25日—Respiratoryinfectionscanworsensymptomsofinter...

Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)

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Comorbidities in interstitial lung diseases

由 GA Margaritopoulos 著作 · 2017 · 被引用 82 次 — Patients with fibrotic ILDs are susceptible to chronic pulmonary infections, mainly from Mycobacterium and Aspergillus species, which often simulate traditional ...

Interstitial lung disease

2023年4月25日 — Respiratory infections can worsen symptoms of intersitial lung disease. Make sure you receive the pneumonia vaccine and an annual flu shot.

Interstitial lung disease

2023年4月25日 — Interstitial (in-tur-STISH-ul) lung disease describes a large group of disorders, most of which cause progressive scarring of lung tissue. The ...

Interstitial Lung Disease

Interstitial lung disease refers to a group of about 100 chronic lung disorders characterized by inflammation and scarring that make it hard for the lungs ...

Interstitial Lung Disease

2022年8月5日 — Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a term for a group of conditions that cause inflammation and scarring in your lungs. Symptoms of ILD ...

The Role of Infection in Interstitial Lung Diseases

由 N Azadeh 著作 · 2017 · 被引用 77 次 — Infections have been theorized to play a role in ILDs, both in the pathogenesis of ILD and as potential triggers of AE. Research efforts thus far have shown the ...

The Role of Infection in Interstitial Lung Diseases

由 N Azadeh 著作 · 2017 · 被引用 77 次 — Infections have been theorized to play a role in ILDs, both in the pathogenesis of ILD and as potential triggers of AE. Research efforts thus ...


由GAMargaritopoulos著作·2017·被引用82次—PatientswithfibroticILDsaresusceptibletochronicpulmonaryinfections,mainlyfromMycobacteriumandAspergillusspecies,whichoftensimulatetraditional ...,,2023年4月25日—Respiratoryinfectionscanworsensymptomsofintersitiallungdisease.Makesureyoureceivethepneumoniavaccineandanannualflushot.,2023年4月25日—Interstitial(in-tur-STISH-ul)lungdiseasedescribesalargegroupo...